BOLO: Lawyers Need to Understand The March 2024 AT&T Customer Data Breach: What Happened, How It Affects You, And What Can We All Learn from It!

What can AT&T Recent data breach teach lawyers about cybersecurity in their professional and personal lives? 🧐

Understanding The March 2024 AT&T Customer Data Breach

In March 2024, AT&T (note that I am an AT&T customer), a leading telecommunications company, faced a significant security breach that compromised the personal identification information (PII) of millions of its customers. This incident has raised concerns over digital safety and the protection of personal data. The breach was orchestrated by sophisticated cybercriminals who exploited vulnerabilities in AT&T's security systems to gain unauthorized access to customer databases. The exposed data includes sensitive information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and in some cases, more critical details like social security numbers and financial information.

This breach not only undermines the trust between AT&T and its customers but also poses a considerable risk to those affected. Individuals whose data has been compromised are now at an increased risk of identity theft, phishing scams, and financial fraud. Understanding the nature and scope of this breach is crucial for taking proactive steps to safeguard one's digital identity. It highlights the ever-present dangers in our digital world and serves as a stark reminder of the importance that we all must maintain robust security measures both at an individual and corporate level.

Lawyers can take some simple steps to reduce the chaos from potential cyberthreats! 😀

Protecting Your Personal Information: Steps To Take In Response To Any Online Account Security Breach

To mitigate any risks from a similar security breach, several steps should be undertaken promptly.

First, impacted customers should initiate a thorough review of their account statements and credit reports. This involves scrutinizing transactions for any discrepancies or unauthorized activities that could indicate misuse of stolen information. Early detection is crucial in preventing potential financial damage.

Furthermore, changing passwords and security questions for online accounts becomes a necessary precaution following such a breach. Opting for complex passwords and enabling two-factor authentication where available adds an extra layer of security, making it more challenging for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access.

Another vital step includes placing fraud alerts on credit reports. By contacting one of the major credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, or Equifax—a fraud alert can be set up to notify potential creditors to verify identity before extending credit in your name. This acts as an additional safeguard against identity theft.

staying informed about developments related to data breaches affecting lawyers and their clients is essential to maintaining your client’s PII and Confidential secrets.! 👩🏻‍💼

For those particularly concerned about the long-term implications of the breach on their financial security, considering a credit freeze may be wise. A credit freeze restricts access to your credit report, effectively preventing new lines of credit from being opened in your name without your explicit consent.

Lastly, staying informed about developments related to the breach is essential. AT&T and relevant authorities are likely to provide updates and further guidance on protective measures; hence keeping abreast with this information will ensure you're taking all necessary steps to secure your personal data post-breach.

Stay Safe Out There!

My Two Cents: How Do Lawyers Unpack The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Windows v. Apple Devices In Light Of Antitrust Concerns.

What Is The DOJ's March 21, 2024, Lawsuit Against Apple?

Doj files an antitrust suit against apple

The Department of Justice's (DOJ) March 21, 2024, lawsuit against Apple marks a significant moment in the ongoing scrutiny of major technology firms for antitrust concerns. This legal action stems from allegations that Apple has been engaging in monopolistic practices, particularly focusing on how it manages the App Store and its treatment of third-party developers. The DOJ argues that Apple's policies and practices around its iOS ecosystem and App Store have effectively stifled competition, harming both developers and consumers.

Central to the DOJ's case is the claim that Apple imposes unfair restrictions and fees on app developers who wish to reach iOS users. Apple effectively uses its platform as a gatekeeper to enforce an ecosystem that benefits itself at the expense of competition. By doing so, Apple is alleged to not only limit consumer choice but also discourage innovation by making it more challenging for smaller developers to compete.

This lawsuit is part of a broader push by U.S. regulators to address anticompetitive behavior in the tech industry. It underscores growing concerns about how the dominance of a few major companies may be impacting markets, innovation, and consumer rights.

Understanding The Antitrust Concerns Surrounding Apple And Windows Operating Systems

Understanding the antitrust concerns surrounding Apple and Windows operating systems requires a dive into the complex interplay of market dominance, competitive practices, and consumer choice. At the heart of these concerns is how both tech giants have established and maintained their market positions. Apple's iOS and Microsoft's Windows have become synonymous with mobile and desktop computing, respectively, leading to scrutiny under antitrust laws designed to ensure fair competition.

The primary issue lies in how both companies leverage their dominant positions to potentially stifle competition. Apple has been criticized for its tightly controlled ecosystem, where it dictates the terms for app developers wishing to reach its vast user base through the App Store. This control extends to mandatory use of Apple's payment systems, from which it extracts fees, raising questions about unfair practices that could limit competition from smaller developers.

the ongoing dispute regarding window and apple’s potential monopolistic activities…

Similarly, Microsoft's Windows operating system has faced scrutiny over its market strategies that lock in consumers and OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), discouraging them from exploring or supporting alternative operating systems. Such strategies include bundling key software applications exclusively with Windows or implementing technical barriers that disadvantage competing software. These practices have drawn attention from regulatory bodies worldwide, concerned that they may hinder innovation, limit consumer choice, and inflate prices due to reduced competition.

Comparing The Benefits Of Apple And Windows Devices In The Tech Industry

In the tech industry, the comparison between Apple and Windows devices reveals a nuanced landscape of benefits that cater to distinct user preferences and needs. Both ecosystems have carved their niches within the tech landscape by emphasizing different aspects of user experience. Apple focuses on seamless integration and security. Meanwhile, Windows champions flexibility and software accessibility.

Apple devices, heralded for their seamless integration and unparalleled ecosystem, offer users an unmatched level of synchronization across products. This harmony enhances productivity and provides a user experience that is both intuitive and cohesive.  Meanwhile, the robust security features inherent in Apple's operating system also stand as a testament to its commitment to protecting user data, making it a preferred choice for those prioritizing privacy.

Conversely, Windows devices shine in their flexibility and compatibility, presenting users with a broad spectrum of hardware choices that cater to various budgets and performance requirements. This openness has fostered an environment ripe for innovation, allowing developers to push the boundaries of software capabilities. Moreover, Windows' extensive compatibility with a plethora of software options makes it an indispensable tool for professionals across different sectors, ensuring that productivity tools are within reach regardless of the industry.

Comparing The Benefits Of Apple And Windows Devices In A Lawyer's Workplace

lawyers must weight the benefits and detriments of using windows versus apple in their law practice.

In a lawyer's workplace, where precision, confidentiality, and efficiency are paramount, choosing between Apple and Windows devices is more than a mere preference; it's a strategic decision. These platforms offer distinct benefits that can significantly influence legal practices.

Apple devices are renowned for their robust security features. For lawyers dealing with sensitive client information, this aspect cannot be overstated. The integration across Apple's ecosystem allows for a seamless workflow, whether drafting documents on a MacBook or reviewing case files on an iPad. Such interoperability can enhance productivity by enabling lawyers to work flexibly from anywhere. Furthermore, Apple's user-friendly interface and reliability can reduce downtime and IT support needs, letting legal professionals focus more on their cases and less on technology troubleshooting.

On the other hand, Windows devices offer unparalleled compatibility and customization options that cater to diverse legal software needs. Many law firms rely on specialized applications often designed with Windows in mind, ensuring these tools run smoothly without the need for workarounds or additional software. The flexibility of Windows hardware, ranging from high-powered desktops for intensive research and document preparation to portable tablets for courtroom use, lets law firms tailor their technology stack according to specific needs and budgets. Moreover, the familiarity of the Windows operating system for many users can facilitate quicker adoption among staff members.

While both ecosystems present compelling advantages for legal professionals, the decision ultimately hinges on specific firm requirements such as software compatibility, security demands, and budgetary constraints. Thus, understanding these nuances is crucial in navigating the benefits of Apple versus Windows devices within a lawyer's workplace amid rising antitrust concerns over market dominance and interoperability between platforms.

Analyzing The Impact Of Antitrust Regulations On Lawyers as Technology Consumers

Antitrust regulations, designed to foster competition and prevent monopolistic behaviors, profoundly impact technology consumers, particularly in the context of Windows and Apple devices. On one hand, these regulations aim to ensure that consumers benefit from a competitive market by having access to diverse products at competitive prices. For example, antitrust scrutiny can lead to more innovation as companies strive to differentiate their offerings in a crowded marketplace. This can result in better device performance, enhanced features, and lower consumer prices. But on the other hand, does it come with a price for security (Apple) and availability (Windows)?

The conundrUm - choosing between Apple v. Windows!

In the end, lawyers must ask themselves which is more important – price v. security. 🧐


Happy Lawyering!

Shout Out to Previous Podcast Guest Nichole (Niki) Black and her Article about the Apple Vision Pro.

The Apple vision pro has potential for lawyers to use them at work. 👩🏻‍💻

I recently read previous podcast guest Niki Black's editorial for the Apple Vision Pro. In light of several of my respective blog postings on the product, I found her perspective interesting and consistent with my thoughts on it.

Niki and I both recognize the steep price of the Apple Vision Pro and that alone may keep lawyers from purchasing one. But we believe it is an amazing device. We agree it has the potential to transform the mundane aspects of travel for lawyers into a more bearable experience. She, too, was impressed by the immersive experience of watching movies (in 3-D), which she deemed unparalleled compared to traditional methods (2-D). Niki highlights the device's innovative interface, which does away with hand controllers, offering a more intuitive interaction through hand movements and gazes.

I can see how the apple vision pro could one day be used for work while traveling on a Plane. 🛫

We agree that most lawyers should hold off on purchasing the device immediately. The current lack of productivity-focused applications and the anticipation of future improvements make it less essential for immediate adoption. Despite its high cost and initial limitations, Niki sees the Apple Vision Pro as a harbinger of the next computing era, particularly for tech-savvy lawyers willing to explore new technologies. I also think it could be a welcome addition to an attorney's toolbox, but I have a more wait-and-see attitude.

Meanwhile, I think you can better spend your money elsewhere. This is why I opted to buy two Samsung 27 Viewfinity S9 Series monitors over the Apple Vision Pro. I strongly believe that the Vision Pro's current lack of productivity capabilities for legal work and its novelty do not justify the investment for professional use today. My path to this conclusion (which may change over time with more productivity features and hardware improvements) parallels my personal journey with the iPad.

And yes, one day lawyers might use an Apple Vision Pro on the beach while on vacation—just beware of the awkward tan lines! 🏖️

The iPad was a significant innovation at the time of its release. But it never entirely replaced laptops for productivity needs. I think Niki and I both agree to take a cautious approach if you are contemplating it more for work than pleasure. This may change with future iterations of its applications, the device itself, and its operating system, and then it may offer more compelling reasons for adoption.

Despite its current lack of productivity features, I believe Niki and I both recognize it as a phenomenal device that could innovate the legal profession!

Bonus Episode: Unleashing Tech at the 2024 ABA Tech Show a Cross Podcast Examination With Mathew Kerbis and Your Tech-Savvy Lawyer !

In this special edition of the Tech Savvy Lawyer Podcast, I am thrilled to host a dynamic conversation with Mathew Kerbis, the distinguished “Subscription Attorney” and a recent recipient of the James Keane Award. Together, we provide a comprehensive recap and insightful analysis of the groundbreaking innovations showcased at the ABA Tech Show 2024 in Chicago.

In our conversation, we cover the following:

[02:14] Tech Show Takeaways: AI in Legal Innovation

[07:27] Beyond Billable Hours: Alternative Fee Structures in the Legal Profession

[11:45] Ethical Landscape of AI in Legal Practice

[16:09] Future of Legal Tech

[29:16] Hardware and Software Upgrades for Podcasting: Tips and Tricks

[33:21] Portable Podcasting Setups: Tips and Tricks for On-Site Recordings

[39:29] AI in Legal Practice: Leveraging Tools Responsibly

[44:55] Enhancing Practice Efficiency and Accessibility

[48:49] Evolution of Legal Tech: User-Friendly Solutions for Solos and Small Firms


Connect with Mathew:

Hardware mentioned in the conversation:

Software & Cloud Services mentioned in the conversation:

My Two Cents: Embracing the Future: Navigating the Ethical Use of AI in Legal Practice.

Lawyers need to be mindful of their bar ethics when using Generative aI in their practice of law.

What can the Florida Bar Ethics Opinion 24-1, issued a couple of months ago, provides as guidance for all lawyers on the ethical use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in their practice. Here are the key teachings and reminders for lawyers, not just in Florida but potentially applicable in any jurisdiction:

1. Confidentiality and Client Information: Lawyers must ensure the protection of client confidentiality when using generative AI. This includes understanding the AI program's policies on data retention, sharing, and learning capabilities to prevent unauthorized disclosure of client information.

2. Competence and Accuracy: Lawyers are responsible for their work product and must ensure that the use of generative AI aligns with their professional judgment and ethical obligations. This includes verifying the accuracy and reliability of information generated by AI tools.

3. Billing Practices: The opinion cautions against improper billing practices, such as double-billing for AI-generated work. Lawyers must ensure that fees and costs charged to clients are reasonable and ethically justified.

Generative AI can be a positive contribution to your law firm!

4. Advertising and Communication: When using AI chatbots for client communication, lawyers must comply with advertising restrictions and clearly disclose that the chatbot is an AI program, not a human lawyer or law firm employee.

5. Technological Competence: Lawyers have a duty to maintain competence in technology, which includes understanding the risks and benefits associated with new tools like generative AI.

6. Supervision and Oversight: Lawyers must develop policies for the oversight of generative AI to ensure its use is consistent with ethical standards. This includes reviewing AI-generated work products for accuracy and sufficiency.

7. Ethical Delegation: Lawyers should carefully consider which tasks can be ethically delegated to generative AI, ensuring that the AI does not perform duties that require a lawyer's personal judgment or constitute the practice of law.

8. Client Relationships: Lawyers must be cautious when using AI for client intake or communication to avoid inadvertently creating a lawyer-client relationship or providing legal advice through AI interactions.

… a lawyer may ethically utilize generative AI technologies but only to the extent that the lawyer can reasonably guarantee compliance with the lawyer’s ethical obligation

9. Informed Consent: In certain situations, particularly when using third-party AI services, lawyers may need to obtain informed consent from clients before disclosing confidential information to the AI.

This opinion underscores the importance of ethical considerations in the adoption and use of emerging technologies in legal practice. It encourages lawyers to embrace innovation while remaining vigilant about their professional responsibilities.  I think the opinion summarizes how lawyers can/should use AI wisely: 

In sum, a lawyer may ethically utilize generative AI technologies but only to the extent that the lawyer can reasonably guarantee compliance with the lawyer’s ethical obligations. These obligations include the duties of confidentiality, avoidance of frivolous claims and contentions, candor to the tribunal, truthfulness in statements to others, avoidance of clearly excessive fees and costs, and compliance with restrictions on advertising for legal services. Lawyers should be cognizant that generative AI is still in its infancy and that these ethical concerns should not be treated as an exhaustive list. Rather, lawyers should continue to develop competency in their use of new technologies and the risks and benefits inherent in those technologies.


Happy Lawyering!

Wednesday Word (or Acronym) of the Week - WYSIWYG: How attorneys see the documents they work with in the field of law.

The principle of wysiwyg allows lawyers to see drafts of their legal documents as they would appear when printed on paper.

WYSIWYG is short for "What You See Is What You Get." It is a principle that has revolutionized how attorneys interact with technology, particularly in document creation and management.

WYSIWYG is a user interface that allows you to edit content in a form that closely resembles its appearance when displayed as a finished product. This means that when you're drafting a document, the text, images, and other elements appear on your screen exactly as they will when printed or published. This intuitive interface has become a staple in word processors, website builders, and many other applications that require content creation.

For attorneys, the clarity and precision of documents are paramount. Legal documents, whether they are contracts, briefs, or court filings, demand a high level of accuracy and formatting that reflects the seriousness and professionalism of the legal field. WYSIWYG editors empower attorneys to:

  • Enhance Efficiency: Time is a precious commodity in legal practice. WYSIWYG editors streamline the document creation process, allowing attorneys to produce polished, court-ready documents without requiring extensive revisions or formatting adjustments.

  • Reduce Errors: By providing a real-time preview of the final document, WYSIWYG interfaces significantly reduce the risk of formatting errors that could undermine the credibility of a legal document or even affect its admissibility in court.

the principle of wysiwyg gives the public better access to justice!

  • Improve Collaboration: Modern legal practice often involves collaboration among multiple attorneys, paralegals, and other stakeholders. WYSIWYG tools facilitate this collaboration by ensuring that everyone is working with documents that look and feel consistent, regardless of the device or platform.

  • Accessibility: WYSIWYG editors make technology more accessible to attorneys who may not have advanced technical skills. This democratization of technology ensures that all legal professionals can leverage the benefits of digital tools, regardless of their prior experience with software.

As legal technology continues to advance, WYSIWYG interfaces are becoming more sophisticated, incorporating features like legal citation formatting, integration with legal research databases, and advanced collaboration tools. You can tell on the document both on the screen and paper where a citation may have an embedded link to the complete text of the citation online. These developments promise to enhance further the efficiency and effectiveness of legal practice.

For attorneys, embracing WYSIWYG technology means not just keeping pace with the digital transformation of the legal field but also leveraging these tools to provide better representation for their clients. In a profession where the precision of language and the clarity of presentation can have profound implications, WYSIWYG stands as a beacon of efficiency and reliability.

Happy Lawyering!

How To Wednesdays: Mastering Document Formatting: A Guide for Attorneys on Revealing Non-Printing Characters in MS Word.

Following Monday’s Editorial - MTC: Presentation In Your Word Documents is Everything! - Presentation is Everything! In the meticulous world of legal documentation, clarity and precision are paramount in presenting your legal argument. Amazingly despite the strength in the substance of your case, your argument can easily be detracted by poor formatting of your legal document. It reflectrs poorly on the lawyer – it question’s the lawyer’s professionalism and thus, indirectly, the quality of the argument – not so different if the lawyer is wearing mismatched clothes to court. One aspect of Microsoft Word that can significantly enhance the accuracy and professionalism of these documents is the ability to reveal non-printing characters. These invisible markers, such as spaces, paragraph returns, and tabs, play a crucial role in the structure and readability of legal documents.

“Presentation is everything” and formatting your brief correctly can help make your case!

Understanding and utilizing the feature that reveals these non-printing characters can aid attorneys in avoiding common formatting pitfalls, ensuring consistency, and maintaining the high standard of documentation required in the legal profession. This blog post will guide you through the importance of non-printing characters and how to reveal them in your MS Word documents.

The Importance of Non-Printing Characters in Legal Documents

Non-printing characters, while invisible in printed documents or when hidden in your Word document, are the backbone of document structure. They include:

  • Spaces: Indicated by a small dot (·) between words.

  • Paragraph Returns: Shown as a pilcrow (¶) at the end of paragraphs.

  • Tabs: Represented by a right-pointing arrow (→).

Revealing the hidden chargers on your word document can lawyers improve the formatting of their briefs.

In legal documents, precision in formatting is not just about aesthetics; it can impact the interpretation and enforceability of the document. Inconsistent spacing, indents, or paragraph breaks can lead to misinterpretation or ambiguity. Revealing these non-printing characters allows attorneys to:

  1. Ensure Consistency: Uniform spacing, indentation, and paragraph breaks are crucial for readability and professionalism.

  2. Avoid Formatting Errors: Spot and correct unintended extra spaces, inconsistent tab usage, or misplaced paragraph breaks.

  3. Facilitate Collaboration: When multiple individuals are editing or reviewing a document, visible non-printing characters can help maintain formatting consistency.

How to Reveal Non-Printing Characters in MS Word

Revealing non-printing characters in MS Word is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:

1. Quick Toggle:

  • Look for the ¶ symbol in the Home tab of the Ribbon.

  • Clicking this button will toggle the display of non-printing characters on and off.

  • This method is convenient for quickly checking formatting without permanently altering your view settings.

2. Word Options:

© Microsoft

  • In Windows:

    • Go to the File menu and select Options.

    • In the Word Options dialog box, choose Display from the list on the left.

    • Under the section "Always show these formatting marks on the screen," you can select which non-printing characters you wish to always be visible.

© Microsoft

  • In Mac:

    • Go to the Word menu and select View.

    • Under the section "Show Non-Printing Characters," you can select which non-printing characters you wish to always be visible.

This method is particularly useful if you have specific preferences about which non-printing characters are important for your document review process.

3. Shortcut Key:

  • MS Word also supports a keyboard shortcut to toggle the display of non-printing characters: Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk).

  • This is a quick and efficient way to switch between views, especially for those who prefer keyboard shortcuts over mouse navigation.

Best Practices for Using Non-Printing Characters

knowing how to format your documents is an important skill in brief writing.

While revealing non-printing characters is immensely helpful, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use Sparingly: Constantly having all non-printing characters visible can clutter your document and hinder readability. Use this feature when fine-tuning formatting or troubleshooting specific issues.

  • Educate Your Team: Ensure that everyone involved in document preparation and review understands how to use this feature and the importance of maintaining consistent formatting.

  • Customize Your View: Tailor the display settings to show only the non-printing characters that are most relevant to your current task. This customization can reduce on-screen clutter while still providing the benefits of this feature.

For attorneys, the devil is often in the details, and the ability to reveal non-printing characters in MS Word is a powerful tool in ensuring that legal documents are precise, consistent, and free of formatting errors. By mastering this feature, you can enhance your document review process, avoid common pitfalls, and uphold the professional standard expected in legal documentation. Whether you're drafting contracts, briefs, or any other legal document, the ability to see and control these invisible markers can be a game-changer in your practice.

My Two Cents: Presentation In Your Word Documents is Everything!

THe strength of your argument can easily be overshadowed by how it is presented on the document itself.

A Georgia attorney has been disbarred for submitting "a fabricated e-mail" to the bar as part of his defense of a bar complaint.  A complaint had been made against this attorney for lack of proper representation. The details of the complaint and the history of the representation are not important for this editorial.  What is important to this editorial is that the Respondent ... 

"...sent several email exchanges purporting to be between her and [Complainant]. However, the March 9 email terminating Respondent’s representation supposedly sent from [Complainant] was in a different format and font than the others, and, unlike in the other emails, [Complainant] appeared to use perfect diction, capitalization, and punctuation. [Complainant] denied having sent this email, and the State Bar determined that the email was likely falsified by [Respondent]."

First, please forgive me as I set a little background about myself as it relates to this posting. I used to collect comic books as a teen.  I had to buy the perfect comic - no rips, bends, creases, watermarks, etc.  With an eagle eye, I'd make sure I got the perfect comic.  Now, bookend the other side of my skill for detail with my high-school ability to play with font types, sizes, margins, etc., to stretch out a class paper to a requisite number of pages for an assignment - mind you, I don't do that today.  This culminated into a skill where I can look at a document, say generated by a law clerk or opposing counsel, and can tell if the formatting is not right - spacing between pages is not consistent, two spaces between two words or sentences instead of one, font size is off, and so on.

be a super hero to your client with truth, justice and proper document formaTting!

With this background, I can usually tell when something is off on a document. Either in hard copy or on the screen, if the formatting is not correct, I can catch it. But what this attorney did, generating documents so obviously inconsistent in typical formatting (and grammar), aside from the common sense (and bar ethics) of not creating fake evidence, shows a fundamental lack of computer skills - formatting, styles, etc. If it’s not apparent to you that your spacing, paragraph returns, or tabs are off, turn on your non-printing formatting  marks to see how your document is constructed. (Check out this Wednesday's How to learn how to reveal now non-printing characters, the function that shows in your document your spaces, paragraph returns and tabs.)

IMHO, if your document does not look right, regardless of how strong your discussion is, the reader is likely to doubt the veracity of the argument.

Happy Lawyering!


Monday Morning Humor: These Male Tech Giants Don't Hold Water to This Hollywood Female Icon!

In lieu of my typical Monday Morning History post, today I’ll share a Monday Morning History post in honor of Women's History Month!


In lieu of my typical Monday Morning History post, today I’ll share a Monday Morning History post in honor of Women's History Month! 🛜

While the founders of Twitter, Facebook, and Apple have certainly etched their names in the annals of tech history, it was Lamarr, with her self-taught genius and an invention born amidst the turmoil of World War II, who laid the groundwork for today's WiFi technology with her frequency-hopping spread spectrum. So, as we scroll, swipe, and tweet our way through Women's History Month, let's tip our virtual hats to Hedy, whose star-studded legacy is not just framed in celluloid, but also invisibly entwined in the very airwaves that connect us all.