BOLO - If you are using Luna VPN, Adblock Focus or Mobile Data, you may be putting your data at risk!


I was disturbed to read in Buzzfeed that some VPNs and ad blockers are harvesting our data. Recall, VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Recall last April, I had blogged about the importance of using a VPN when using public Wi-Fi, e.g., a court’s public Wi-Fi, Starbucks, an airport, etc. A reputable VPN will help ensure prying eyes are unable to see into our internet activity or gain access to our computer. This should never come at a cost to the user’s information. Ad blockers are used to prevent “ads” from popping up when we surf on the internet through our web browser.

The company Sensor Tower has made several VPN applications for the iPhone and Android operating systems. But their apps may be doing more than just providing a VPN: “Once installed, Sensor Tower’s apps prompt users to install a root certificate, a small file that lets its issuer access all traffic and data passing through a phone. The company told BuzzFeed News it only collects anonymized usage and analytics data, which is integrated into its products. Sensor Tower’s app intelligence platform is used by developers, venture capitalists, publishers, and others to track the popularity, usage trends, and revenue of apps.” But when you give access like this, you are putting your information and maybe your clients’ confidential information “at significant risk” of exposure to others.

I’d stay away from this developer’s programs. 

And remember, just because it may be “free” does not mean it may come without a price later - a bar complaint for exposing confidential client information!

Let’s be safe out there!

First Day Thoughts at ABA Techshow 2020


I'm attending my second ABA Techshow this year!

Its great being around people interested in better-utilizing technology in their practice. On my first day, I attended several sessions on some core concepts using pdfs, automating workflows, and better marketing online. 

These sessions have been perfect for the new and moderate tech users. As a more advanced computer user, I would have appreciated a more granular (step-by-step) approach. But, I can confidently say that from each session, I have learned at least one new thing that will individually enhance my practice. I have a feeling that regardless of your technology skills are you can learn something - perhaps at ABA Techshow 2021!

The only way to clean your mobile devices…

Don’t over think cleaning your cell phones and tablets!

Don’t over think cleaning your cell phones and tablets!

Katie Corner, over at C-Net, wrote an article about how to clean the screens of your mobile devices. It pretty much comes down to the simple task of only using a micro-fiber cloth. “Maybe,” you might slightly dampen the fabric. But, you never use an industrial cleaner, e.g., Windex, as it may erode the “anti-fingerprint” coating or other special coatings that puts the extra shine on your smartphone or tablet.

Also, be wary of sticking things or even blowing air into the ports and openings (speakers & power ports) of your mobile device. You may end up pushing gunk into the devices instead of removing it.

There are devices out there that will irradiate germs on your devices. I have no opinion on these devices themselves. But, they don’t kill viruses.

I think, in the end, the best way to keep your devices clean to wash your hands regularly!