iPads and Tablets in the Courtroom.

Jeff Richardson over at iponejd.com posted an interesting article the other day: The use of iPads by U.S. Fifth Circuit judges and law clerksI think it can be universally applied to both iPads and Tablets. While Jeff noted that only half of the judges on the CLE panel preferred iPads when reading their briefs, it appears that most if not all of their clerks prefer an iPad. And as that generation of clerks move up in their careers and leave behind a legacy of how work can be done while at the court, it seems to show that we lawyers need to make sure we are keeping up with technology. ABA Model Rules

Remember, we want to make the judges’ (and their clerks’) life easier: When the document contains links to legal citations or to the record and they don’t have to carry extra paper around the office or home, its makes their life a little less stressful. I would think this would allow them to read our briefs under better conditions and hopefully be more open to our persuasive arguments.