Breaking News: "FTC Requires Zoom to Enhance its Security Practices as Part of Settlement"


The Federal Trade Commission announced yesterday that it reached a settlement with Zoom regarding its platform security issues. Since the pandemic has provided a spotlight on its platform, Zoom's security "holes" have become more prevalent. Zoom's "talk" of improved security over the past six months has evidently been more "talk" and less substantive correction.

This settlement should be a good thing. It will ensure that the security we believe the platform has is truly implemented. The other good news is that the settlement agreement should prompt other platforms, e.g., Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Skype, inter alia., to ensure their platforms are secure for (business) users too!

If you are having issues with video conference and are looking to hire a consultant, feel free to contact me: MichaelDJ@TheTechSavvyLawyer.Page.

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