Monday My Two Cents The Biggest Technology Impact to Lawyers for 2021!


To start the New Year, I wanted to reflect on 2021. I had to ask myself, what was the most significant impact on lawyers and their use of technology for 2021?  IMHO it has to be COVID!

Yes, the pandemic is the gift that keeps on giving.  To start, lawyers had to adapt their use of technology as they moved from their brick and motor offices to their home offices.  I believe solo- and small-firm practitioners had a jump on the transition, given that many were mobile already.  Everyone had to make sure they had a working computer at home, a secure internet, and all the necessary computer accessories to make working from home a success!

Next, Lights, Camera, Action!  As the pandemic lingered, attorneys had to adapt to "Zoom" trials and eventual "Zoom" fatigue.  Attorneys with no media experience had to become the cameraman, stage director, and producer quickly.  Remember, your camera angle, lighting, and sound make your appearance shine – presentation is everything!

Now, as Omicron makes a new surge in the pandemic, COVID's tentacles have already made their way into creating a computer chip shortage.  Because there are not enough dockworkers and drivers, there is a delay in getting computer parts and hardware and computer accessories.  This makes it hard to buy new (or replacement) computers, computer accessories, and other tech devices.  This can make it a challenge to update your computer devices, add to your electronic system(s), and improve your office (through technology).

Let's hope for everyone it's a better 2022!

Stay Safe, Happy Holidays, and Happy Lawyering, everyone!