Monday Morning Humor:  Cleaning up the archeological find of mouse trackballs!

Granted using a mouse with track ball was not 30000 years ago but it does seem like an eternity. 🤣

You know you're getting old when you start reminiscing about the "good old days" of mouse maintenance. It's like we're talking about ancient artifacts from a time long past, and I half-expect archaeologists to come dig up old trackballs in the future.

Back then, we thought we were on the cutting edge of technology, but looking back, it feels like we were just playing with primitive gadgets compared to the sleek and smart devices we have today. I mean, who even needs a trackball anymore when you've got gesture-controlled mice that one day soon will probably predict your thoughts before you even think them?

I can't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and relief that we've moved on from those mouse trackball ordeals. It's like being part of a secret society where only those who survived the cleaning ritual can share in the humor and the camaraderie of those moments. Younger generations may never know the satisfaction of conquering a stubborn trackball, cleaning out the lint, and the joy of a revived mouse.

As I laugh at the memory, I realize that technology marches on at lightning speed. And while I may sometimes feel like a relic from the past, I also appreciate how far we've come. Gone are the days of spending time cleaning a simple input device. Now, we have voice-activated AI assistants, virtual reality, and who knows what else the future holds?

So, to all my fellow tech enthusiasts who remember the mouse trackball era, let's raise our cups of coffee (or tea) and toast to the good times we had—disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling those quirky little devices. Let's embrace our inner tech historians, regaling the younger ones with tales of the bygone days when computers were slower, the internet was dial-up, and cleaning a mouse trackball was a rite of passage.

And to the newer generation, as you scroll effortlessly with your sleek wireless mice and touchpads, spare a thought for us old souls who have seen the tech world evolve. While we may feel a tad ancient, we're also the ones who laid the foundation for the tech-driven society we enjoy today. After all, who knows what other tech marvels await us in the years to come? Cheers to the past, the present, and the tech-filled future!

Happy Lawyering!